Friday, July 22, 2011

Boroque: acceptance of change

In a sense, every generation has a boroque period. Changes in style and acceptance to those styles have been ongoing from the beginning of time. Some recent examples of music and style changes in America are the 70's hippi era, 80's punk rock, and hip hop in the 90's. Not to mention changes each war has brought upon us. 

The boroque years were from 1600-1750.Boroque was the birth of elegance. A softer more romantic style was born. Sensual music and art surrounded people helping to bring out the emotions they previously had to hide in order to be viewed as "proper". Extravagant architecture arose making the cities beautifully designed showing the magnificence of what the human imagination is capable of.

Rebellion, as well as acceptance of the rebellion, sparked many of the changes of the boroque era. Although people have always looked down on rebellion, without it we would not be where we are today. The pilgrims rebelled against what the Catholic view of religion and therefore sought out a new land. The fall of the Ming empire was caused by rebellion of the Manchus which led to the governments financial fall. 

The acceptance of the changes of the arts by the church opened many doors for expression through beautiful music, paintings, fashion, and sculpture. The enjoyment through site, feel, and sound helps define who we are. I am thankful to any past rebellion, good or bad, for they have helped each country grow and learn from our failures and achievements. I look at the world as a baroque, a large irregularly shaped pearl, that is constantly being buffed and shined, trying to be made perfect by each opinion. Eventually the pearl will either break, or be shined to perfection.

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely agree that each generation has a Boroque period where changes in style and acceptance to them have been ongoing. I agree with stipulations. I believe this is more the case in developed countries such as France or Canada or Spai to name a few. Whereas underdeveloped countries afre far slower in achieving such change. For undefrdeveloped nations this may occur over longer stretches of time than that of a single generation. I disagree that "Boroque was the birth of elegance". I would sooner use that phrase as the caption of the famous painting The Birth of Venus by Botticelli. For who in either history or mythology could have more elegance than the renowned goddess of love herself? I also disagree that "people have always looked down on rebellion". This is too broad a statement. For surely the majority of the people rebelling would not look down upon their own actions, but would rather believe those actions to be the right thing to do.
